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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

You come here often? Me either.

My name is Marcus.

So yeah - I'm so new to blogging that I'm still covered in the binary placenta that marks my internet nascence. Internascence. Hell of a word - you can use it but it's mine.
So lots of people with blogs out there seem to be trying to sum their lives up in the first paragraphs they write. I'm going to try to learn from that mistake. We can be digital geek friends. We'll get to know each other through various encounters over time (posts), and slowly, like some digital striptease, you will glimpse more and more parts of me, leaving less to the imagination until you realize (like with many real acquaintances) that you have entirely wasted your time, and that what you imagined was way better than the real thing. And through this one-sided electronic "Exchange" we will somehow both satisfy our respective peculiarly inexplicable voyeuristic and exhibitionist needs. I will write, and you will read. Why? Niether of us knows. Not even the aliens. So the best thing we can do is take the advice they would probably give us. Laugh.

Having said that, that's probably the strangest thing I've ever written, and this is the most I've ever really pondered the idea of blogging, except for when I pondered the idea of getting one. Also the sexual analogies. . . no idea where those came from, but that's probably the last you'll ever see of them.


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