pictures - nonsense - confusion. proud to be part of it all since 1981.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Day 25

Once the sounds of the trains died off, later into the night, we actually slept rather well. We awoke, early, however, to more train noises. We packed up, got out, had our breakfast on the platform, and waited. Tanamakoon and Wanapitei both showed up coming off the Missinaibi and Mattagami, respectively - both rivers flow into the Moose, and so directly into Moosonee. We talked with both for awhile, and I realized that the leader of the Wanapitei trip was a girl I knew from school and had run into on day 1 of tripper training. We all were on the same ride to Cochrane, and we passed both groups in our van on the road back to Kandalore. We hauled ass into the night, pulling in at exactly 10:07. Good time from 3:45 leaving Cochrane, considering a small detour in North Bay. Our adventure has finally come to an end. PS - my spare battery ran out 2 days before the end of the trip, so no shots of Attawapiskat or the plane/trainride home. I'd like to take up golf so I could give a swift drive to the nuts of the guy that designed that cheap imitation I suckered myself into. . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dude - just packing up here and heading out tomorrow to who knows where europe! past out in alain's truck last night after a sa-weet night while he went crazy off roading - we were getting tossed around like mad. don't remember too much of it. spent to better part of the day sleeping it off. haven't read about your trip yet but you got some great question is on my mind...where the heack is EDNA????? miss you buddy!

Sunday, July 30, 2006 at 10:40:00 AM GMT-5


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