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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Homecoming. . . so who won?

I'm sorry I'm so slow these days. . . Life is catching up. But enough about that. So last weekend was Kingston homecoming. Sweet christ on a cracker it was awesome. Got there Friday night and saw too many camp folk not to drink, so drank. Hungover Saturday morning, but that didn't stop us. Bacon and eggs at 9:40 AM, and by 10:40 we were at our friend Kate's for a pancake kegger. The Queen's engineers have this tradition of dying themselves purple with this medical dye. My god some of them are dedicated . So this is the kiddie pool with the purple dye. You have to heat the shit up for it to work. Yikes. Then the day flew by. Beer after beer, maintaining the old buzz. For those of you who have done this, you know this is an easy job until you get to around 3:00. That's when you realise you need lunch - BAD. So you eat your lunch, and that's when you realise how tired you are. If you choose to drink more and do some activity until the sun goes down (that's when your energy comes back) then you will be fine. If you choose to nap until then, god help you, that's like 3 days of drinking instead of two. You have to wake up and start alllll over again. Enjoy that. I got the worst of both worlds. I was at my friend Megana's house. I opted to drink, she opted to nap. The problem was she fell asleep on me in front of the TV, so I, not wanting to wake her up (yeah nice guy, I know) didn't move. For 2 hours I sat, still buzzing, watching "So you think you can dance". 2 hours man! I've never had to pee so bad in my life. When she woke up I basically ran outside to take a piss. It was surreal, I stepped outside and the orange glow of the sun bathed everything in a soft light. People were everywhere, playing frisbee in the street, throwing a ball around, most front porches had crowds. It was like a dream, any one of those people could have been your best friend. And also, you're drunk.

So that went on until about 11, when things got really surreal. We went to one of the literally hundreds of keggers that go on on this night. PRetty much every other door is open and you can walk in. Grab a cup off the lawn and they think you paid for beer. Honestly, call me a jerk, but if I want to check out three different houses, should that cost $30? Or should I just pay 10$ once. Exactly. So we go to the phys ed. house, which has a tradition, all the phys ed frosh have to do a naked run around the house. Apparently the guys had gone 45 mins before (big loss) and we missed that, but when we arrived, looking up into the window as we walked along the side of the house, we saw literally 20 topless girls in there. What the hell? This happens in real life? I thought this only happened in Tom Green's stories in 'Road Trip'. What was funnier was the reactions of the guys at the party to this. The whole backyard was packed shoulder to shoulder, and the girls were going to come out of the sliding glass doors at the back. The doors opened and the girls filed out, running to the right side of the house. All the guys on our side (the left) angrily yelled at each other "MAKE A PATH! MAKE A PATH!". So we parted like the seas, and sure enough the girls started filing through on our side. No I don't have any pictures. What kind of asshole do you think I am? After that little escapade we decided it was time to hit up Aberdeen. The street that is the core of the homecoming event, and it didn't disappoint. Shoulder to shoulder crowds, people on rooftops, fireworks, toilet paper wars. The cops were friendly this year, embracing the event. If they caught you with a bottle they'd trade you for a cup, which was nice, and they had first aid and water stations set up everywhere, so all in all it went off without a hitch. But man was that a huge crowd! As far as the eye could see down the street in both directions, just people. People there for the sake of being there, it's not like any other party I've ever been to, really, it's like being at a concert where you just talk to the people around you, and a lot more fights break out.


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