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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spinals and Emergency Childbirth

Well, like the little sea lion said - "It's all coming together!" Not in so many words.

So I finished the dots, graphed the data. There are trends. They may be far from significant, but they are there. Mike in my lab group thinks it's not that bad, and we will finalize things when I get back, so that's pretty much done. Again, I apologize for the hiatus. This time I was busy as hell finishing that research and marking papers, then meeting with students over them. I think I am finally ready to skip town for 10 days, and that's exactly what I'm going to do. The WFR course starts tomorrow in K-town, and I am going to hole up at my buddy Ian's for the first little while. I'm just a little uneasy about the living situation. Stupid things. I don't mind sleeping on a floor, no probs there. I just wonder about things like fridge space. Jay and Alaina both laugh at me when I bring this up, but it's true: When someone is staying at your house, you don't mind being the host at all until you open your fridge and see there's no room for your jug of milk because your guest bought that akward bunch of celery stalks that's taking up way to much room for something with negative caloric value. I don't want to be that guy. Catch my drift? Anyway I hope there's enough space for some perishables, the rest of the non-perishables I can keep in the old car. I will be living out of that little golf. Clothes and food my friends, clothes and food. I'm thinking on lunch breaks I may head out to the car and just make myself something right there in the parking lot eh? Anyway, I know it will be fun once I get there, it's just the uncertainty of how everything will work, and the desire not to step on too many toes while ensuring no fucking of the self is going on. Ie, you think the day won't be too long so you pack a bagel for lunch. Things drag on till 6:30 and you fail a quiz due to passing out from hunger. That has a high degree of self fuckage. Really the risk is only present on the first day since after that I will know the schedule. . . Also there is a potluck tomorrow night so I will try to go to that to meet everyone and figure out what the dilly is. I just want to make sure I can roll into K-town on time to get my bearings, do some grocery shopping, make something for the stupid potluck and get there. And then find my way back to Ian's.
Do I seem like a worrier? I don't worry when I know my situation, even if it's bad. If, however, the situation is ambiguous and there would be a way out of fuckage, the way is just vague, then yes, I become a worrier.

Okay that's enough.

Ann emailed me back with specific instructions on how to find her when I get to Geneva. It's kind of creepy really. She's like a spy giving me instructions. Somehow she found out all this stuff about the layout of the airport and surrounding area, and I have explicit directions now of times and places and modes of transport to come meet her. I had to laugh. Ah well, a plan is better than no plan. After we execute that plan, our plan is to have no plan at all, to just do whatever. So like I always say, the only thing worse than no plan is a plan!

So now all that's left to do here is get a good sleep and make sure I get all my poo together before I head off tomorrow. If all goes well I will be giving emergency trachs and reducing dislocations in no time!

Peace out


Blogger will said...

if bruce lee kills me when you're gone I'm gonna be pretty angry.

just sayin'

Thursday, March 30, 2006 at 2:54:00 AM GMT-5

Blogger Marcus said...

Hey - it is my hope and wish that he will love and protect you as he does me.

Alright game on.

Thursday, March 30, 2006 at 8:17:00 AM GMT-5


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