pictures - nonsense - confusion. proud to be part of it all since 1981.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

For better or for worse, shit is coming together.

That's a sea lion. He is cute.

It's like he's saying "For better or for worse, shit is coming together!"

Either that or he's saying:
"Christ on a crutch, look at that mullet - CHILD ABUSE!" Just keep reading, you'll see what I mean. It was quite a spectacle later that day at the aquarium.

So things are happening. Not much to report, just every day things which I feel like writing down. That, after all is the essence of the blog. The brain pix are coming along. I only have one more region to photograph, the amygdala, for those of you who are massochistic enough to want to know. Shame on you. Never ask about my amygdala. That's part of my emotional system, it's private. Anyway. So the amygdala is an easy region to spot, I find myself just landing on it by accident before earnestly attempting to look for it, which makes for fast shot taking. It won't make up, though, for the shit show I put on with the last region, the nucleus accumbens. Oh god. I don't even want to go into it, but suffice it to say on many slides the region simply was not there, or if it was, it didn't stain correctly. So that's a lot of missing data. Hope it doesn't render the study too useless :S Yeah so what if I used an emoticon? That emoticon expresses my feelings. I'm kind of attached to the little guy.
Also yesterday I submitted my pictures to the College Royal Photo Contest, so for better or for worse, those are in there. We will see if they win anything. I had a really good feeling to begin with, but I'm starting to think I was a little too confident. Whatever, you never know until after right? So there's that. Also I signed up for my WRT1 course yesterday, since Dave, my camp Director, has not given a thumbs up or thumbs down (since he was busy sitting on them) as to whether or not it will be included in tripper training this year, I decided to take the risk and sign up. That way if Dave doesn't include it, the rush of people bailing the first day of training to take this course will not screw me out of a potential explorer trip.
Now all that is left are errands. I need to phone the neighbour at home and see if he's there, and whether or not I can get the mail. I need to call the dentist and give him permission to fix the porcelain fracture on my root canal, which he fucked up, and offered to fix for free - last year. So I don't like dental work. Sue me. I need to pay the $2 fee I did not pay for the photo contest yesterday. The girl running it asked over email if I had paid yet. I think she thought I was trying to dodge the fee. There's no smooth way to say "I don't have $2". Seriously. Try it. If you have NO money in your wallet, what are you going to do? Withdraw a $20 and buy a chocolate bar? F-that. So I got $5 cash back at Ultra, when I bought replacements for the best invention on earth - the dishwasher scrubby, the handle of which dispenses soap. Mack busted the scrubby attachment and didn't tell anyone, so when I went to replace that, booya. $5. Now I'm back in the game.

Also I have a flight going to Geneva, arriving April 28. Gotta love this: Depart: 8.00 PM on the 27th, fly 10 hours and something, Arrive: April 28 12:00 - PM. Several hours literally vapourize. Amazing. Then I get them back, when I don't want them. On the flight home. So that what should be 10:45 is 3:45. Gonna be a late night that night. I've done this many times, but when you're a kid you don't care. Now I do. Anyway, all bitching aside, Ann is booked to show up in Geneva on the 27th, so we're definitely going to meet there! Now all we need is a roof to sleep under. Apparently the Geneva airport has a French and a Swiss side. Who knew? Ann was asking which side she should enter. No brainer. Not the French side, if you don't speak French.

Also, Bruce Lee is much more active now, and has built a bubble nest at the top of his vase a sign of good health. He siwms around to check me out every time I walk in the room. The granite stones at the bottom of his abode seem to be getting just a bit algae-ey. (akward). So I think I might need to clean those. I set some water out to replace his with. The instructions are to leave the water out 24hrs. Any ideas why? It wouldn't take that long to match room temp. I'm guessing it's to blow off Cl and various other treatment chemicals that might be in it.


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