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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Whatchu lookin' at, foo?

This is Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee is a fighting fish that lives in my kitchen. His home is a vase with some sort of hyacinth or other water plant living in it, the roots of which he uses for shelter. At the bottom of his vase/bowl are some decorative rocks. There are also decorative rocks above him, held by a cup separating the environment of the vase from that of the surroundings. Bruce Lee is red and blue, as is visible from his picture. He eats 2 little pellets of Bruce Lee food every other day - he's on a strict regimen. His food comes in brown pellets, held in a clear plastic container shaped like a fish. The eye of the fish is a little hatch that pops open, out of which one can dispense his Bruce Lee food pellets. My mom says you can't get any less than ten out of there at a time. This morning I got three, I'm doing alright. I lifted the top decorative rock holder out, and threw the three pellets in. Bruce Lee immediately gobbled up two of them, so he must've been hungry. He didn't see the third one haplessly sinking. I put a finger against his vase, and he swam toward it, probably perceiving it as a threat. I moved the finger along the vase and he followed it. When I got him to swim around till he was facing the hapless food pellet I pulled my finger away. That left him staring one helpless pellet of Bruce Lee food in the face. He completely forgot about the threatening finger and ate the pellet.

Mack says every time he passes Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee gives him the evil eye. Hopefully there will never be a showdown between Bruce Lee and Mack. I would hate to see Mack get hurt.

Bruce Lee is my responsibility now because my parents drove to Florida in the RV. It was either this or he died. So you could say Bruce Lee owes me his life, which is why he offers me protection. He's like a ninja, and ninjas are sweet. He has real ultimate power. If you don't believe me, just go to

Also, congratulations go to Mack for guessing the name of the fat dude. It was Beachball! Good for Mack. He wins some rum.


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