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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Graeme is a choke artist

Graeme makes for endless hours of fun. I just like observing his life. Last Saturday he agonized again and again over going to the Farmer's Market in the AM with this girl he digs. I had to laugh. He brought it up with me in a sort of nervous way, lamenting about the definition of the outing. Was it a date? No it wasn't a date because they weren't 'dating'. Were they just friends? One could hardly say that, since 'just friends' didn't go out of their way to go to the Farmers Market together, especially when they'd only been 'just friends' for a short time. Where us mere mortals may simply have not worried about it and gone to the god damned farmers marked without a complaint, Graeme got himself so worked up over it I thought he had an ulcer. He looked like he was going to puke before an exam. He was worried about saying something akward, and I didn't help him. Like a true 'just friend' I laughed and laughed, and in between giggles I reminded him that outings like this were nothing but a continuous stream of thoughts you shouldn't say, peppered by ones which were acceptable to vocalize. The game is to tell the difference, and you lose points when you: a) say something you shouldn't have and look like an idiot, or b) don't say something you should have said and instead leave an akward silence. We got him so worked up over the whole thing. Off Graeme went, and nearly came home with an ulcer after his afternoon of studying at the library. Turns out that was just appendicitis, but to the untrained eye the symptoms are remarkably similar. He didn't talk to the girl all weekend, as he was in the hospital (read previous post). After he got back he talked to whatsherface after a run in on campus, and after much overly concerned crooning and questioning, she started dropping hints that she was free for the weekend and tired of her friends. . . looking to do something different. She probably thinks there's something wrong with Graeme's ears too, but he heard the signals loud and clear. The problem is the transmitter. Graeme froze and didn't take the bait, and so walked away, likely leaving her with thoughts of "what's his deal, did he not have fun at the farmer's market?" which he did. This morning I found a note on the counter saying Graeme would be back tonight to go to the liquor store, and could he have a ride to the greyhound station on the way (which is in the opposite direction and three times as far away, but sure). He added on the note that he's such a Freeze that he met the girl again today, and again didn not take the bait. "Somewhere", he added "Someone is saying: YOU IDIOT." That someone is me.

Let's hope Graeme doesn't need anything surgically removed tonight, cause 103 is going out.


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