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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Bits and Pieces

So I think enough time has passed so that this doesn't look like an entry which acknowledges the new year, which you know is my antithesis right now. . . Truthfully I slacked again, I was not purposely holding off and I don't think I'm fooling anyone with a claim like that, so let's get on with the bloggage shall we? Much has happened since we last spoke, and I can't remember a single thing. Frankie and Lindsay have found a place to live and are in the process of moving out, a sad and necessary day. I think they will always be part of 103 though, they put their time in. Frankie and Lindsay, you will always be part of 103, you put your time in. The month was a blast, we laughed, we cried, we laughed some more, and there was some drinking mixed in there, which might be part of the reason I can't remember too much of it all, and possibly the reason for some of the laughing and definitely for the crying. Other than that I have been putting the brakes on research because frankly I hate the idea of it, but now it's time to get the ball rolling, so I start a possibly very time consuming study tomorrow. Such is life. Finally got a pair of skis in the mail (ebay) and I am stoked because their arrival coincided with that of the oh-so unfamilliar snow that has been falling out of the sky in sporadic bouts lately. It's cold and I'm not used to the cold right now, but let's stop being pansys and go enjoy it. Everything looks so cozy once it's under enough snow, and it is tough to beat a sunny, snow-covered day right? Anyway, I have been cooped up for far too long, and this dusting will be a welcome change, I'm ready to get my wallet ripped a new one by Intrawest, blue mountain here I come! Well, I don't actually have a plan for when I'm going or who's coming yet, but I will, as soon as I figure out if my schedule allows it .. . I know it looks like the odds are stacked against me, but there were naysayers when Derek and I planned to paddle the gorge and we all know that happened don't we?

Other updates? Yeah this really is bits and pieces. There is another planet contained in my (Bob's) nanocube right now. What used to be 1 xenia soft coral has divided no less than 6 times, producing 7 separate xenia, which move amorphously over a period of days around their immediate birthplace as they see fit. There's aliens in there. I've had this conversation a number of times, I'm pretty sure one morning I'll wake up and there'll be one on my face. I think they're not only multiplying, but evolving at an uncanny rate. Humans like going for swims right, why couldn't the sea creatures get a kick out of some fresh air? After all, with Oxygen bars being so popular, you'd think anything that respires wouldn't mind a little extra O2 right?

Am I really talking about this right now?


This picture at the top is of my friend Don. I've known Don for quite some time. He came to Kandalore probably 4 or 5 years ago. He started out as a driver in the summers, but now he's what you call the "quartermaster" - the guy in charge of dishing out trip gear - in the summers, and he's the program director of the outdoor centre in the off season (at Kandalore). This is Don at the Kilmer new year party. He took an orange peel, carved a grid into it for teeth, put it in his mouth and gave that woeful expression to the camera. His plan was to put the picture on Lavalife (online dating service) and see if it went anywhere. His description was going to be "I've got a receedin' hairlaan and uh live own uh farm" (that's phonetic). Then his catch phrase was going to be "I'm a love you so hard." hahahahah He is priceless. I think the ladies would dig that shit. I'd date you Don. I'd love you so hard.

Imagine someone actually responded on Lavalife? Man what would you do - no seriously, what would you do?

Love 'em hard?

So we have these neighbours. We have Jocelyn, who owns Odin, a little Jack Russell Terrier. For a picture of Odin see one of my last entries for april 2006, I remember playing with the little guy before I left for France. . . Well Jocelyn still lives in 104, and so do 2 other people. One who I couldnt' pick out of a lineup because I actually can't picture his or her face, and the other who I couldn't pick out of a lineup because I can't remember her face, but she owns a dog that looks like a Fox. The dog's name is Anna. Or maybe Ana, since it was rescued from possible death down in Louisiana. Whatever man, I'll withold judgement on the name, or maybe I just did the opposite of that, but 'frankly scallop I don't give a clam'. The point is that An(n)a's owner is constantly scolding her. Well actually we blow it a bit out of proportion, the dog gets in trouble a lot for doing I don't know what. All I know is that when I come home as soon as my key goes in the door I hear the barking begin. And then the owner barks too. Except she barks "An(n)a!" in a really overbearing voice that makes you laugh. Same when the dog goes outside. I've seen that dog rip past my window in one direction, get yelled at, and rip past in the other direction, totally vacant stare in its beady little eyes both times. I always thought the dog was a little bit of a space cadet. So every time we hear a female voice or a dog bark (or both) from next door, whoever is home will look at whoever else is home and go "AN(N)A!". And we laugh and laugh. Now we don't even laugh anymore because it's a habit, like using a funny expression around the people who invented it. Sorta like when I hear Lindsay describe someone having a hard time as "getting owned in the face" or refer to herself as "the pink ninja". Lindsay, your training is nearly complete. So back to the focus. An(n)a turns out to be a stupid bitch, just like I thought.

Yesterday An(n)a bit Pipes in the ass.

She broke off her leash after whatsherface told Pieper she was friendly and wouldn't bite, and then she bit.

Crazy Bitch.

I hope your bum doesn't get infected Derek, that'd be bad for both of us. Who SAID that!?

I feel like Willsy will laugh at that and possibly even have something to say about it.

In other news the rents are leaving for Belize (after a conversation over Dinner after meeting Pieper for the first time). They're excited even though they're all complaints right now. I almost cried laughing watching my parents down these bitter pills. My dad was the worst, he walked around the kitchen swearing, with his face scrunched in a ball. When he finally regained speech all he said was "I had to bite it in half, it wouldn't go down." An angry dad with a German accent saying that? If you're not laughing right now there's something wrong with you. They were originally scheduled for Guatemala. Derek's a pretty persuasive guy. They're leaving in 2 days and going to be gone for 2 weeks. Bon Voyage rents! On the flipside of that coin bobber is in Malaysia as his blog may or may not suggest (I have to check today, and he just got in a few days ago). He should be back home soon! Bob, we'll party when you get back. I'm keeping your saltwater tank though, all the animals are used to me now, and I named them anyway, so it's mine. . . sorry. It just works so well in this room you know? I mean Willsy cleans my cuticles for me when I stick my fingers in the tank, and the hermit crabs just crawl around aimlessly picking stuff off stuff, walkin' around lookin' around. It's harmony in there.

I think that temporarily exhasts my supply of mentally stimulating nuggets of information (if they can be called that)

Frankie is sick, it makes talk funny. She's laying on my bed watching me type this, and I know what she's thinking cause she said it before. "My everything hurts."

She says "It's true, it does."

That just says it all

Love you


Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, you have no idea how hard I laughed at that ass comment. entry delivers man. on every level.

in other news, tell frankie that my everything just stopped hurting this morning, though it still feels as though I'm swallowing glass.


Friday, January 19, 2007 at 12:49:00 PM GMT-5

Blogger Marcus said...

ahha nice bro - I'm glad I could entertain you.

Frankie will likely read this comment herself.

Friday, January 19, 2007 at 1:11:00 PM GMT-5

Blogger Robertito Orton said...

malark, i have a complaint, well i have many including hurt ribs from getting wasted on some dudes tiny little boat and falling while peeing, then not knowing what to do, zip up or just lay there wasted, hurt and pissing on myself, but i don't have much going on in my life and i need more blog. my skin is peeling from being in the sun too long and i have a stuffy nose. please. blog me. anyway. i am getting my own place soon, that should be interesting. but we should talk. i will email you or something. or just comment on your blog with personal information. i love you.

Friday, January 19, 2007 at 3:06:00 PM GMT-5

Blogger Marcus said...

Christ - I'll see what I can do.

Friday, January 19, 2007 at 6:00:00 PM GMT-5


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