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Monday, September 08, 2008

Little furniture making criminals and day 5

Laura and I ran the Elora Gorge, which was rad.  Perfect weather and good water levels. . . second day in Elora in two days, and as we pedaled away from the falls the day before there was a lot of laughing.  The second time I laughed it was because I saw a decal on a car that said  and I laughed my ass off.  I don't know what that is but I have to check.  Then 10 pedal strokes later on the other side of the road was a car with a decal that said or or something like that.  But this was all so amusing because I had the old laugher going from seeing the building pictured here.  I hope it works when you click this image because it literally looked like "Little Fucks Ltd: fine quality juvenile furniture"  My god I should send this into Leno.  Like really?  Even back in the day when it said "little folks" what the hell did that refer to?  Midgets?  Kids?  Were the kids making or using the furniture or both?  All I picture is juvenile delinquents making furniture until their term is up, and the mean grinch of a manager calling them "little fucks" as a novel approach to ironing out their kinks before they go down the wrong track.  Anyway, the new Elora Dialect of turning O's unto U's sure proved funny when pedaling up the next hill Laura almost couldn't get up when we saw the sign for the new casino/racetrack that said "Slots in Elora"


                We paddle around a corner sheltered from the incessant wind and nobody’s ready for it.  A massive moose stands staring at us, a silly little velvety rack crowning its dumbfounded 

face.  We were upwind.  Eventually he turns and runs – bewildered – back into the tall grasses of the marsh.  Awesome.  The little windy river spits us out into a bay on massive three-and-a-bit-map spanning lake Opocopa.  We have no idea what the fuck lies before us and we obliviously enjoy our mossy campsite.  Game trails criss cross the moss here, and the story of every moose, lynx, and wolf are writ here for all to see.  We stay up late playing guitar and eating rogan josh.  The trip starts to gel.  


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