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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Money for nothin' - Chicks for free

I have the riff from "Money for nothing" by Dire Straits in my head. What a legendary riff, but am I the only one who thinks the rest of the song is a disappointment? I wish Black Sabbath came up with it instead, they would have done something bad ass with it. . . "Money for nothin' and chicks for free. . ."

So yeah, game time. I love how I drift through life sometimes. Up until 2 hours ago I thought I was flying out Friday. Hellz no. I fly out Thursday. Fine by me, less questions about the stupid midterm I have to answer. . . So Alaina and I decided to pretend it wasn't Valentine's day. It's not that we don't love each other, we do, but the problem is just that. When people hear that they're like "Huh? Are you guys on the outs?" . Gimme a break. So you're in a relationship for 2.5 years, and 1.5 times in that time span comes a long a day where you are obligated to show someone you love them? This holiday was institued for people who do not do this without a mandate. I'm sorry if I ruin a few people's days here, but if you are in a relationship where you do not regularly concede that you care for the other person, and show them that in some hopes of having it reciprocated - GET OUT. You should not be in that relationship. Either that, or you're married. From what I hear. But who cares about those stereotypes anyway right? So yeah, F Valentine's day. Here's a high five to all you singles out there who are F-ing it too. I asked Alaina if I should just get $70 out of my wallet and give it to her, then maybe she could give it to me too, and we'd both be happy. She said "We could do that, or just give a high five." So I'll do that next time I see her. I mean she's too busy getting everything out da way for Margarita, and I guess I should be too considering how soon we are leaving.
So yeah - like I said, game on. Here goes nothing. It's only a week, but it could still be intense, given how things work in some of these places. ( check out day 7 and 11 to see the intensity) Adding to this is the fact that we know virtually nothing of the place, only what we've read on the internet. It looks nice, it's got desert, it's got jungle, it's got mountains, it's got beaches. Snorkelling, free shuttle to da beach, one day rental car, and big ass tarantulas in the woods. Also I emailed Ann about Ardeche and she is working there, which kicks ass. She didn't believe I was going to be there too, I had to send her a confirmation email to prove it. I think the African sun must be getting to her.

Well time to go get some frickin' latitude, keep it real and I will be back with another trip log.

Time to go figure out what kind of sockets they use in Venezuela.


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