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Sunday, April 02, 2006

what to do when you live on the floor

So yeah - hello from K town. I'm leeching internet from a cable that plunges into the depths of Ian's housemate's room. It runs sneakily under her door, and then I don't know where it goes cause I've never been in there - Ian hooked it up for me. She gets back tonight, and I hope she's nice because I am the unknown guy who is leeching internet from her room and made her house smell like curry and peanut sauce; and she HATES peanut butter. Found that out right before I made it. Ian told me to make it anyway. Things are going just dandy here. Ian's fridge has lots of room. He's a great host. I was here not 15 minutes and he had a key cut for me so I can let myself in and out throughout the day. His apartment is right downtown K town, practically on Princess st. It's a really cool location in a town that's not nearly as daunting to learn the geography of as I first imagined. I guess drunk memory isn't great memory. I stocked up on the old groceires which I hide under his kitchen table, save for the perishables. I eat my oatmeal every morning at 7:30, then I make my lunch, grab my gear, and walk the block to my car, which is parked in a non descript section of road, one of the only in the friggin' city not marked for the death and destruction of those who park there over night. I get in the car and zip across town to the West campus of queen's, and I walk up to an old stone house within which the magic happens. The days are long but the people are so rediculously interesting and funny that it doesn'ty matter. A lot of the content is a review or a spin on what I enjoyed most about my degree: physiology, pathology, neuroscience, so that makes it easy. We have learned some new and interesting things though. Also some new protocols are being added with the 80 hour that will allow me to reduce simple dislocations, and to give epinephrine for a severe asthma attack. Pretty cool things that could help me and a patient out immensely on trip, that god forbid I would ever have to use. Also learned to give infant CPR today, that was fairly new to me. . .

It's only day 3 but I know I'm going to miss the course, since I've already forged a few solid bonds, and how can I help but be interested surrounded by the likes of people who have canoed 2300 km qat a time in a 30 ft voyageur canoe on canadian heritage routes. The only complaint I have is that I am tired as all hell, so I hope that doesn't affect my retention. Kinda hard to decide when to go to bed when it involves shutting down someone's entire living room. Such is life!

That picture has nothing to dow ith the course by the way, but I like it and it's one of a limited selection on the old Tablet, so fuck it. Look at it and enjoy.

Love you,



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