pictures - nonsense - confusion. proud to be part of it all since 1981.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Tubed! (ing?)

Definitely time for another post. Last weekend was a good one. My good man couse came down from Halifax (or Halifornia as we like to sometimes call it) to play with his band The Darcys - they're ACTUALLY good, I'm not just saying that cause I know them. Listen for yourself, I stake my reputation on their talent. They did a tour, London, Kingston, Guelph, Toronto. Don't ask about the route, it's just the way the sched worked out. Their tunes are here We had a nice little Kandalore bash here, and it was a blast. Here is Graeme in his element. So the only unfortunate part was I still didn't get to meet the elusive Jess. Here is Graeme surrounded by like 10 girls, and no Jess (large size it so you can read the shirt, Mack made a genius composition with this picture). Maybe it was because when she leaned in to kiss him on thanksgiving he had to puke because he was so hammered. So out of akwardness and lack of a better idea he said "what do I have something on my face?" just to stop her, you know, so he wouldn't toss his cookies all over her face. Unbelievable. This girl must be special because she's still after him. The best part is once we're friends she's going to read this. And I have no idea how she'll react. So here's a message to you in the future Jess - good luck with that Graeme, and I promise I'll stop publicizing your relationship once I meet you and you've read this. Now that that's outta the way .. . We had a blast with all the people here, Will and Mack made it up from down the hill on Gordon, and some folks from camp made it down, like actually from camp. Hi Stu, I know you're reading this. Make your presence known and post a comment for chrissake! So installed the beta version of windows Vista on one of my drives. If you don't get WTF I'm talking about right now skip the next couple of sentences. I'm enjoying the frosty glassiness and smooth responses of it. I also am immensely enjoying the xtras, such as moviemaker. So I decided to take it for a spin and edit/mesh together two of my favourite videos. As you can tell from this blog I like taking pictures, and I like posting pictures. In fact I'm pretty sure there's only 1 picture on here I didn't take. If you want a prize, all you have to do is be the first one to tell me what the picture's of. No hints. I will add one thing, I technically didn't take the pics in this entry, and obviously not any pics that are of me, such as me portaging the canoe in the Gorged! entry. I guess to clarify the little contest is about pictures not taken with a camera I owned. Mack took the picture of himself here and the one of Graeme, and the one of me. Kudos to Mack, he was clearly the paparrazi that night. Anyway you have to be pretty bored to participate in this little competition. Willsy, my money's on you getting this. Anyway, whoever gets this gets a free beer from me. So the video, in the true spirit of Couses' band involves one of the band members: Wes. He's not the star or anything, it's pretty obvious who the star is, and she is nameless. Drunk girl is her name for now. Myself, Yank, Wes and Bob were all out (Wes went here for a year) and this girl stumbled up to us asking "Yo, do you guys have any drugs?" Judging by her Student Council shirt she had never said that sentence before and just wanted to try it on for size, kinda like that yellow hoodie she's wearing. First we said no, and this is where I turned the camera on. Then I, completely unbelievably said "Well, we have marijuana, if that's what you mean" just to try to get her to hang around. . . it seemed to work, but not the way I wanted it to. Long story short this could be the hardest I've ever laughed. . . it's certainly the hardest I've ever laughed on tape. . .

The part I'm so excited about is that movie maker, in conjuction with Wes' request to me at our hungover breakfast last Saturday morning ("yo, can you send me that video?") has inspired me to post this video (my first) on one of my new favourite websites: YouTube. I'm sure it will get a few laughs and more than a few slanderous comments, but for every "that was fuckin' stupid" out there, there's a hundred unspoken "thank you for improving my quality of life" 's. Akward sentence - akward encounter. Enjoy. It's a little dark, I know, just crank the volume and laugh.

I dedicate this video to the Darcys. Thanks for making it all the way to Guelph. Just dip it.

I know it's dark, just crank the volume and laugh.

alright let me clarify this, cause Willsy, you're right, but that's not what I meant. This is a picture not taken by anyone I know or of anyone I know. That should do it. . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh, there's that picture of graeme being picked up by to OVs...?


Friday, October 20, 2006 at 10:54:00 AM GMT-5

Anonymous Anonymous said...

my god..."two", not "to". how the hell did that one escape my notice?\


Friday, October 20, 2006 at 10:55:00 AM GMT-5

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets hope that girl never gets married. cause her poor husband will probably do some sort of ritual killing. with my karma at this point, i will definitely be involved, things always come full circle to fuck me.


Friday, October 20, 2006 at 12:57:00 PM GMT-5

Blogger Marcus said...

Ahahah my sweet lord that is funny Yank. You are talented. Willsy, I updated the blog for your guess at the end there. ..

Friday, October 20, 2006 at 10:45:00 PM GMT-5

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Marcus,

is it the google earth photo in July 2006?...the one at the bottom just before day 1 of the otoskwin-attawapapaaa-not-going-to-spell-it-right-anyways?


Saturday, October 21, 2006 at 12:03:00 PM GMT-5

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down there. You have to realize that none of this is real to me. There's blog Marcus and Marcus-that-I-actually-know. When blog Marcus talks to me (which is weird becasue we've never met) it's like MTIAK reaches through the screen into my bubble of personal reality and slaps me.

I think that qualifies as an introduction though so let me finish by saying that I'm Stu, pleased to meet you, the video was hilarious and I think it's all too (in)convenient that Jess didn't show.

Saturday, October 21, 2006 at 2:40:00 PM GMT-5

Blogger Marcus said...

ahha MTIAK. Amazing - so highly theoretical. Yes hello Stu, welcome to this corner of cyberspace.

Saturday, October 21, 2006 at 5:03:00 PM GMT-5


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