pictures - nonsense - confusion. proud to be part of it all since 1981.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What'da heo!?

So sometimes this happens.  Sometimes you are driving home to your parents' quiet house in the country where you now live (again).  Sometimes you're 300m from your driveway and sometimes on the right hand side of the road you are startled to see an unexpected sight.  Sometimes your neighbour's property, which consists of a long driveway winding through a young orchard of ash trees to his quaint bungalo with his trampoline and his yacht outside, somtimes that property has a car on it.  Parked on the grass, in the orchard, on an angle to the road and the driveway, in as though to be on display, sometimes you'll see this car, and sometimes you won't know what make and model it is because it is sitting in the middle of a smoking ring of charred grass which has clearly been consumed by a conflagration that has consumed the car as well.  Sometimes you park in your driveway, walk up the road with your camera despite what your neighbours might think, and you check it out.  Seats melted, foam peeling and toasted, grill and headlights gone, melted away and smashed in the grass, engine exposed, windows nonexistent.  The grass is green except for a black ring which is neatly circumscribed by the foam that someone with some heavy equipment used to put the fire out.  The smell of diesel was thick in the air, as if it wasn't done burning and there is still some kerosene in the grass that you could light with a lighter.  This was no accident, this car is not a fucking diesel.  What happened?  What the hell happened?  My parents never heard sirens or smelled smoke, pretty sure this thing wasn't here yesterday.  Sometimes weird things happen in quiet places. . . make that often. There it sits.  Art.  An answer with a million possible questions.  The car's rims are dug into the soil, as if by tomorrow morning it'll be up to its windows in earth, only to be consumed without a trace by the next day.  A million thoughts ran through my head, among them "I better get the fuck out of here before someone sees me taking pictures."

So Stu had an amazing rant in response to Igbert.  In case you don't read the comments, here it is in full.  Yes, good point Stu, yes - good point.

Stu Wrote,
No fast food restaurants? As in NONE at all? Does he realize the awesome magnitude of that statement? That wouldn't happen by accident, as though news of wildly profitable eating establishments just never made it across the Atlantic. There would have to be controlling laws against them. AND they would have to be enacted by 47 countries. Such a move would be the biggest instance of human cooperation in the history of our species. Yet somehow you had never heard of it, and were being informed by some jackass in a bar.

Also, don't even get me started on the inevitable rise of outlaw fast food joints (eat-easy's?). If there's one thing I do know about humans, it's that no law will stand between them and a cheeseburger (or alcohol, heroin, children, whatever it is they want).

Man, picking battles and not getting worked up (against my will) are two of the hardest things I've taught myself.

Also, wicked that you put a monkey fist photo up.



Blogger will said...

looks like a cadillac.

stay precious.

Thursday, October 30, 2008 at 8:26:00 PM GMT-5

Blogger Marcus said...

volvo actually, but close :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008 at 9:26:00 PM GMT-5

Blogger Marcus said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thursday, October 30, 2008 at 9:26:00 PM GMT-5

Blogger DJ Mums said...

So wait... what about the lama-like thing on the other pic? Non-related content, or its coal-black face could be considered an incriminating evidence that this burnt car is actually the first of a series of lama-attacks on expensive vehicles?

Friday, October 31, 2008 at 12:43:00 PM GMT-5

Blogger Marcus said...

Murielle, I guess you're new to this blog. . . the pictures I post are only loosely if at all associated with what I'm writing about. Usually there's a tenuous conenction in my head that I never reveal in writing because I get too worked up/lazy while writing my entry. This week's tenuous connection is that the Llama seems to be saying "What the hell!?" Which is the phonetically spelled (with an accent) title of the blog. Ps, I sent your DVD out today with an angry sticky note that should make you snicker.

Friday, October 31, 2008 at 1:48:00 PM GMT-5

Blogger Stu said...

Hey cool... I imagined the Llama saying "What'da heo!?" as well but I knew the pictures were random so I thought I was making it up.

Friday, October 31, 2008 at 2:06:00 PM GMT-5

Blogger Marcus said...

Nope that was the idea. I'll make a weak effort from now on to conenct the pictures to the content. . .

Friday, October 31, 2008 at 2:11:00 PM GMT-5


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